Girl Scouts of San Francisco Bay Area
Redwood City Girl Scout Association
Cadette/Senior Skills Camporee
Results 2007
There were seven Senior Girl Scout teams and eight Cadette Girl Scout teams competing this year. We are listing the top overall and those who received ribbons in the specific events.
Place | Cadette Troops | Association | Senior Troops | Association |
1 | 3103 | Berkley-Albany | 731 | Crystal Springs |
2 | 2468 | Walnut Creek | 1768 | Redwood City |
2605 | Dos Pueblos |
Redwood City
(tie) 2708
South County
4 | 2661 | San Francisco |
Diablo Shadows
(tie) 2824
West Contra Costa
Note: if we have your association wrong or missing, please email the webmistress with the correct information.
Cadette Event Results |
First Aid | Girl Scout Facts | Knots | Orienteering |
1. 3103 2. 2468 3. 1454 4. 1681 5. 2824 6. 2605 |
1. 2824 2. 2605 3. 3103 4. 2468 5. 3218 6. 2661 |
1. 2468 2. 3103 3. 2661 4. 2605 5. 2824 6. 1454 |
1. 2605 2. 3103 3. 2661 4. 3218 5. 1454 6. 427/2379 |
Pancake Flip-Flop |
Team Challenge |
Tents |
Trail Signs |
1. 2468 2. 2661 3. 2605 4. 3103 5. 2824 6. (tie)1681 | 3218 |
1. 3103 2. 3218 3. 2468 4. 2605 5. 1681 6. 1454 |
1. 3103 2. 2468 3. 2605 4. 2824 5. 427/2379 6. 2661 |
1. 1454 2. 2605 3. 2468 4. 3103 5. 3218 6. 1681 |
Senior Event Results |
First Aid | Food Cache Toss | Girl Scout Facts | Knots |
1. (tie) 731 |2708 2. 1768 3. 2542 4. 1359 |
1. 1768 2. 731 3. 1850 4. 1359 |
1. 2708 2. 2661 3. 2542 4. 1850 |
1. 731 2. 1768 3. 1850 4. 1359 |
Lashing | Orienteering | Pancake Flip-Flop |
Wilderness Survival |
1. 1359 2. 2708 3. 1768 4. 1850 |
1. 731 2. 1359 3. 2542 4. 2661 |
1. 731 2. 1768 3. 2708 4. 2661 |
1. 731 2. 1768 3. 1359 4. 1850 |
This page is maintained by Esther Heller .
Updated July 3, 2007 (better than last year and have a good 4th!)